23 October 2007

An exercise for the reader

"Decode" the following equation, seen on a T-shirt:

{E \over c^2} \sqrt{-1} {PV \over nR}


  1. The second two factors are easy, but I can't think of any word that starts with sqrt(m^2 + (p/c)^2)... ;)

  2. "nR"? What sort of self-respecting physicist measures in moles? That's chemist talk.

  3. I can hear the engineers now:
    "What the heck is mjT?"

    Let's see what I can do with that:

    E/c^2 sqrt(-1) PV/nR

    Now V=IR (Ohm's law)

    a=q/m E (acceleration of a particle in an electric field)

    Also F=ma

    so F/(q c^2) sqrt(-1) PI/n

    Now we're getting somewhere.

    Let me get back to you.

  4. John wore this shirt on Beauty & the Geek Tuesday night.

  5. Heather,

    I know it was on Beauty and the Geek; that's where I saw it. (Oddly enough, despite going to MIT I don't ever remember seeing that shirt there. Is it a new thing?)

  6. Lets break this up into three terms since it kinda looks like it with the sqrt -1 in the center...

    E=MC^2 --> first term is M
    obviously second term--> I
    PV = nRt (ideal gas) -> T
