10 April 2008

e day

I have been informed that tomorrow is "e day", February 71st. (In American date notation, that's 2/71; compare "π day" which is March 14th.)

In non-leap years, "e day" is still February 71st, but that's equivalent to April 12th.

It's too bad Euler wasn't born a few days earlier; he was born on April 15, 1707.


  1. It would be easier to use British date notation and celebrate e-day on January 27 (or perhaps February 27 if we round e to 2.72), but there's something rather elegant about using February 71 for the date. I like it!

  2. Wait, e is 2.718..., which should be rounded up to 2.72, right?

  3. we should all run around tomorrow screaming "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

    [You and John first - prove by it posting to youtube.]

  4. Somehow I feel I (of all bloggers) should have already known this...

    Thanks for the heads up. Too bad none of my courses lend themselves to a good problem....


  5. michael: my Pi Day rant more or less applies here as well, although it doesn't get as annoying 'cause most computer "geeks" who wouldn't know real math if it bit them on the ass don't remember what "e" is.
