08 September 2008

Doubly mutilated chessboard problem: not the solution

On Friday I wrote about the mutilated chessboard problem.

I'll give the solution now. The reason this problem is usually phrased in terms of a "chessboard" is that a chessboard has its squares alternately colored white and black. (I'm going to call the colors white and black even if that's not actually what they are.) A chessboard has the same number of squares of each color, and any domino covers one white square and one black square. So if we remove two squares of the same color, such as the opposite corners, then tiling is impossible.

It turns out that if you remove any two squares of different color, leaving 31 squares of each color, the board can be tiled with dominoes. Drini gave the solution; draw any tour that goes through all the squares exactly once and finishes where it began. Removing two squares of opposite colors breaks this into two subpaths of even length, which are easily tiled.

As for the other problem I asked, when can you remove four squared and have there be a tiling: clearly we need to begin by removing two squares of each color. There is another necessary condition for there to be a tiling -- the squares removed can't block off a single corner square from the rest of the board. (You might worry that they could disconnect the board in some other way, but the only other way possible under the tiling constraints is that they disconnect a domino-shaped region.) But then the tour argument above doesn't work; in particular, a tour is broken up into four subpaths of even lengths if and only if the removed squares occur on it in the order black-white-black-white. Furthermore, it appears that there are ways to remove four squares from the four-by-four board such that the remaining twelve are tileable, but there is no tour that they break up into even-length subpaths. There aren't that many tours of the four-by-four board, so it's easy to check this by brute force with a simple program; in fact there are six according to Sloane's encyclopedia. (It says twelve there, but Sloane refers to directed tours.)

However, that cuts down the number of cases one has to deal with, and in the end it looks like a four-by-four chessboard, with four squares removed, is tileable if and only if the removed squares are of opposite color and do not include both of the squares adjacent to any corner.

My method (which I realize I haven't fully explained here; if anybody wants to seriously tackle this problem for some reason I'll be happy to explain in more detail) requires a bunch of nasty case analysis, though. And in the case of the 8-by-8 board there are millions of tours, so it doesn't generalize well.


  1. How about an intermediate problem: It's clear that if there is a tour in which the four removed squares alternate black/white then you can tile the complement. But is the converse true? Given a tiling of the complement, does it give you a tour in which the removed squares alternate black/white?
    Or, one could try to solve the problem by showing that you can always modify a path where they don't alternate to produce one where they do.

  2. I hit enter at the wrong time while typing in my name. The above post is from me.

  3. Interesting problem! I think I have proved that if you remove two squares of each color from a chessboard, without disconnecting a corner, you can cover the rest of the chessboard with dominoes. This cannot be improved to three squares of each color: If you remove a2, b3, and c2 (and three squares of the opposite color), there is no way to cover both a1 and b2 without covering b1 twice. It would be interesting to find out how many squares you could remove if the chessboard had more than 2 dimensions.

    The proof:

    We say that two squares are neighbors if they have a common edge. For a set of black squares B, let N(B) be the set of squares that are neighbor to a least one square in B. Now the idea is, if for all set B of not-removed black squares, the number of not-remove squares in N(B) is at least |B|, then there is a tiling, because of Hall’s theorem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_theorem). If B is the empty set it is trivially true. If B consist of a corner, the above is true, since |B|=1 and at least one of the neighbors is not removed (we are assuming that the corner is not disconnected). B cannot be of the form {all black squares except the neighbors of a corner (e.g. a2 and b1)}, because B may not contain removed squares, and not both neighbor of a corner may be removed. Finally, there must be at least two black squares not in B, because B don’t contain removed squares.

    Now I want to prove that if B is not of the above forms, then |N(B)|>=|B|+2, because that would imply that the number of not-removed squares in N(B) is at least |B|. To see that |N(B)|>=|B|+2, cover the squares in B with horizontal dominoes such that each domino cover squares in row (a and b) or (c and d) or (e and f) or (g and h). The dominoes covers |B| black squares and |B| white squares, and the white square are all in N(B). To prove that |N(B)|>=|B|+2 I only have to prove that there are at least two white neighbors to the dominoes. The dominoes forms 4 columns (ab, cd, ef and gh), and for each column that contains at least 1 and not 8 dominoes, there must be at least one white neighbor to a domino in this column. Thus: If B is a counterexample, there is a most one such column. Similarly, if the dominoes were vertical, there would be at most one row with at least 1 and not 8 dominoes. If B is not of the above forms, this imply, that B is either one square (not in the corner), two squares in the same 2*2 square (e.g. a3 and b4) or all black squares except two in the same 2*2 square (and the two squares cannot be the neighbors to a corner). In all these cases it is easy to verify that |N(B)|>=|B|+2.

  4. I forgot that you can remove both neighbor to a corner if you also remove the corner. This is not a problem: Because of symmetry we may assume the two neighbor are white. Now B can't contain the corner, and the proof works.

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    1 point that is for specific is people's expectation in the course of action may be a main issue in producing an ideal room for modify.The essential stands out as the person's willingness and potential to surrender to one thing new. Through the hypnotic course of action there is definitely an possibility to learn about the deeper factors of you and unlearn ingrained habits for the far a lot more good end result.

    The truth is that we're in and out of hypnosis all day prolonged. A hypnotherapistacts like a facilitator for alter in essence the transformation comes from inside of the customer. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.Hypnotherapy transpires where by there's a shift inside the point out of spirit.This shift in psychological express brings the ultimate room for letting go of limiting thoughts. Although a lot misunderstood,hypnotherapy is usually just what you would like for producing powerful adjust inside your living.

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    Herpes signs in girls can take the form of the array of different outbreaks and problems, and sometimes each women and males can demonstrate no signs at all.

    Herpes is much more frequent in girls than males, with one in 4 women in the usa troubled through the condition. Genital herpes is really a sexually transmitted disease, and once contracted stays in the physique for existence, lying dormant right up until a bring about for example tension or sickness brings about an herpes outbreak.

    Following contracting genital herpes, most women will display signs and symptoms of an initial episode in the next 2 to 10 days. Signs and symptoms within the primary breakout and subsequent episodes can final up to three weeks without having therapy.

    Early Genital Herpes Symptoms in Girls - Prior to the Outbreak

    Just before an herpes outbreak of genital herpes occurs, you could encounter any or every one of the pursuing:

    1. Itching or burning within the vagina, labia and surrounding locations, such as the anus, upper legs and buttocks

    2. Unusual vaginal discharge.

    three. Swelling with the lymph nodes, combined with a feeling of pressure or bloating inside the abdominal location.

    four. Flu like signs and symptoms such as headache, nausea, fever, sore limbs (including legs and buttocks), muscle and joint pain.

    five. Urinary discomfort or burning, or a difficulty urinating

    [url=http://www.herpessymptoms.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/]Genital Herpes Signs[/url] in Women - The Outbreak

    When the [url=http://www.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/] genital herpes outbreak[/url] begins, you could encounter the subsequent:

    one. The look of sores or blisters that will array in dimension from tiny pimple sized dots to large, coin sized sores. These sores will burst and scab above as the herpes outbreak continues. They could show up on your own or in lesions, and will look on the genitals, anus, buttocks and thighs.

    a couple of. A red, itching or burning up rash.

    three. Pain when urinating

    4. Vaginal discharge.

    Without therapy, these [url=http://www.herpessymptoms.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/]]genital herpes signs[/url] in girls can happen over a month-to-month basis. In case you are going through any of these signs, especially if they're re-occuring frequently, you might have contracted genital herpes.

    You can find wide variety of medical, homeopathic and natural remedies which are extremely efficient, you ought to immediately find treatment if you're suffering from any from the above.

    Genital herpes features a significantly bigger influence than the physical. It may make girls really feel on your own, ashamed, depressed and anxious. Should you think you're enduring from herpes, you should look for remedy, as lowering and controlling outbreaks can go a extended way in direction of restoring your self esteem and confidence.

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    It's never too late to break the habit, or more appropriately, the [url=http://www.cannabishigh-pillshigh.info] marijuana high[/url]. It may possibly seem tough since it is a single with the most out there drugs that may effortlessly be acquired. Individuals who want to quit marijuana use commonly experience sleeplessness, irritability, elevated aggression, and other withdrawal symptoms. Even so, overcoming the addiction as well as the withdrawal symptoms isn't an impossible task. For some, becoming confined to a drug treatment facility and counselling may possibly be necessary to break the habit. Studies show that far more than 120,000 individuals will enter a drug treatment facility to aid them in their marijuana complications. With the right tools and attitude, quitting smoking and reducing the health effects of secondhand smoke can be simpler than others think. Understanding ill-effects of marijuana to sexual wellness and overall well-being is essential in ending the said addiction.
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    Most people always associate intimacy and fantasy with escorts. Yes, these are very important part of the escort services. But with time these services have evolved and now they try to fulfill all the desires of the clients, whether it is physical desires or psychological desires like companionship and friendship. If you want, you can have a complete date like experience with an escort.
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    http://bijouescorts.com Not to mention about the prime New York locations where these girls have their major service bases. Whether you want to visit any one of them in her luxury apartment or you want her to come to your place, you can enjoy whatever suits you the best. Also, you can take an escort girl to a hotel or to a resort where you can spend some quality time with her for a lifelong experience. All girls are expert at customer satisfaction and they can ignite any session with passion fire occupying every part of their sexy, curvaceous and sultry figures.

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    Finding a New York escort girl is a completely easy task. All you need to make an online search about the type of girl you want. Also, you can make a generic search engine research for New York escort girls and come up with the links of the escort service providers in the region. Then by browsing each and every website, you can find the various categories of girls listed.
    The best thing about using escort service is that you can hire them for a day or for a month. It depends totally on your plan and budget. Escort services are available in all the major international cities around the world. New York is the second largest city in USA - a bustling metropolis, a true global city in every sense of the word. It is a city full of life and pleasure. Due to its rich culture and booming business people from around the world travel to New York. If you are one of them and want to explore and enjoy all the things that this city has to offer in the company of a beautiful and intelligent women then New York escort are always available at your service.
    You can use New York Escort service and enjoy high quality services provided by them. New York escorts are known for their beauty and intelligence. Girls of all ages are available, from 18 to 30 plus years. If you like blondes than you will get a blonde girl or a woman.

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    All categories house profiles of escort girls with their real life images. Also, you can have information about their sexual orientation as well as physical attributes. As far as physical attributes are concerned you can have information on hair color, vital stats, body color and so on.
    Kisses and touches are not the only pleasures provided by these escorts. Top class escorts are trained to make you happy, both physically and mentally. They are trained in things like massage to make sure that they can help you in attaining complete relaxation. In the company of New York independent escorts, you will feel like you are with a close friend or even a lover, thanks to the professional attitude and the thorough training provided to the girls by these escort services.
    Another important thing is quality of service and escorts. If you are spending so much money, you are entitled to get high level of services. Make sure that the girls they are showing in their website really work for them. Maintaining privacy is also very important. Make sure that the agency takes your right of privacy very seriously. For some people privacy is very important. If some information gets out, it can ruin your personal and professional life, especially if you are a married man.

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    Whether you are traveling for business purpose or for pleasure, fun is the key for spicing up things and making life interesting. Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.
    Kisses and touches are not the only pleasures provided by these escorts. Top class escorts are trained to make you happy, both physically and mentally. They are trained in things like massage to make sure that they can help you in attaining complete relaxation. In the company of New York independent escorts, you will feel like you are with a close friend or even a lover, thanks to the professional attitude and the thorough training provided to the girls by these escort services.
    There are thousands of personal escort service providers in the market today. Everyone claims to be the best. But the fact is that there are only handfuls of top class escort service providers in the market. Be careful before choosing an independent escort. Integrity is a very important factor. Both the escort service provider and escort should have strong professional integrity.

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    You will not feel like something is being forced on you and the girl will leave abruptly after the time is over. These escorts are trained to be a companion rather than a worker. Though, if you only want to have passionate intimacy then New York escorts can do the job perfectly for you. There are various kinds of girls to choose from, you can select a young girl or an experienced woman depending on your own personal likes and dislikes.
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