12 December 2008

The Xie brothers' advice collection

Tao Xie and Yuan Xie (brothers, in case you're wondering) maintain an advice collection consisting of links to things other people have written about how to succeed in scientific careers -- on getting a PhD, writing papers, and so on. Those links that seem to be aimed towards people in certain subjects are mostly aimed at computer scientists, but at least some of what I'm finding in their links seems reasonable.

Of course, one piece of advice they probably should give is "don't spend lots of time reading this sort of advice".

Since I'm talking about brothers, I feel obliged to mention the following paper:
Michalis Faloutsos, Petros Faloutsos and Christos Faloutsos, On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet Topology, SIGCOMM 1999. It has nothing to do with the Xie brothers' advice collection, but I wanted to mention it anyway because I saw a citation to it and I was amused.

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