What I'm interested in is whether this is an actual superstition, perhaps held by non-mathematicians. It seems like the sort of thing that a mathematician would make up to create a good problem. This web page mentions the superstition in a non-mathematical context, with the twist that you're supposed to eat lucky tickets. This one does as well, and links to these people who sell lucky ticket cookies. It seems quite likely that:
1. the superstition exists among some segment of the Russian population, or at least did at some point, and
2. the entrance of the problem into the mathematical culture is due to Kirillov -- if I were still at Penn I'd ask him.
But did the problem travel from the rest of the world to mathematics? Or, because this sum condition feels so mathematical, did it travel from mathematics to the rest of the world?
(Also, can you solve the problem? How many lucky tickets are there?)
J.T.: that's what I got, both by an exhaustive search in Sage and by squaring the coefficients of (1+x+x^2+...+x^9)^3.
That's the right answer. I haven't done the exhaustive search but I can confirm that's what you get by squaring the coefficients.
Is 000000 a ticket number? Is 000001 a ticket number?
I went to grade school in Russia (Moscow) in the 80s, and the concept of "lucky tickets" was absolutely around among quite ordinary schoolchildren. And yes, you were supposed to eat them.
It also equals the number of six digit numbers with a digit sum 27.
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